What Are The Best Measures To Secure The Front Door?

Image presents What Are The Best Measures To Secure The Front Door

Your front door is the main entry point to your home, and it is essential to keep it secure to protect your property and loved ones. One of the best ways to improve your front door security is by installing a sliding security door lock or security sliding doors. These doors come in a range of colours and styles to suit any home’s aesthetic while providing an additional layer of protection against potential intruders.

However, there are also other measures you can take, such as adding a door chain, reinforcing the door hinge, or upgrading to a solid core door. In this article, we will explore the best measures you can take to secure your front door and protect your home from unwanted intruders.

Choosing a Strong and Secure Door

One of the best measures to secure the front door is by upgrading to a solid core door instead of a hollow core door, which provides a stronger barrier against potential intruders. These types of doors provide an extra layer of protection and are less likely to be breached by would-be burglars. 

Additionally, you should consider the suitability of a security grilles installation or a security screen door, which can provide additional security without compromising on the aesthetics of your exterior door. These doors are available in a range of colours and can meet Australian standards.

Installing a Deadbolt Lock

Compliance is so important when it comes to security locks. A secure door lock is another essential element of front door security. Deadbolt locks are an affordable option and provide an additional level of protection. 

They are designed to prevent intruder access by inserting a bolt into the door jamb. Double-cylinder locks and keyless locks are other options that can provide added security.

Adding a Door Reinforcement Plate

A door reinforcement plate or a heavy-duty strike plate can reinforce the door frame and provide extra protection against potential intruders. This plate can help prevent the door from being kicked in or forced open, which is a common entry method used by burglars.

Installing a Doorbell Camera

A video doorbell is an excellent addition to front door security. It allows you to monitor suspicious activity and gain an element of surprise over potential intruders. You can also use it to communicate with anyone who approaches your front door, even if you are not at home.

Adding Window Security Film or Bars

First-floor windows are another common weak spot for potential intruders. Adding window security film or bars can provide an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for burglars to gain access to your home.

Keeping your Front Door Area Well-Lit

A well-lit front door area can deter potential intruders and make it easier for you to monitor any suspicious activity. Installing motion sensor lights or keeping your porch light on throughout the night is an effective way to improve your front door security.

Regular Maintenance and Checks

Regular maintenance and checks of your front door locks, hinge brackets, and hinge screws can help identify any weak spots in your security system. You can also consider getting a security survey from a professional locksmith or security specialist.

Consider Professional Security Services

Professional security services, such as alarm systems or burglar bars, can provide an extra level of protection for residential and commercial properties. These systems are designed to deter would-be burglars and alert law enforcement in case of a break-in. You might also want to search for professional “security sliding doors near me” to look for the best provider.

The Benefits of Taking Front Door Security Seriously

Improving your front door security is essential to protect your family, possessions, and property. By choosing a secure door, installing a deadbolt lock, adding a door reinforcement plate, installing a doorbell camera, adding window security film or bars, keeping your front door area well-lit, and considering professional security services, you can create a more secure and safe living environment. 

Remember, it’s never too late to take your home security seriously, and investing in your front door security can give you peace of mind and protect your home from potential intruders.

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